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He wore his dark glasses to protect him from surprises.
Whenever she thought of what she was meant to say, it seemed to dash around the corner, and lose itself in the crowd of things she could not say.
People never remember happiness with the care that they lavish on preserving every detail of their suffering.
She felt a combination of boredom and rebelliousness which reminded her of adolescence.
How can you separate who we are from who we think we are?
The compulsion to repeat what one has experienced is like gravity, and it takes special equipment to break away from it.
...how nearly inevitable it is for those who have been terrified to become terrifying once they have the opportunity.
No pain is to small if it hurts, but any pain is too small if it's cherished.
After all, what redeemed life from complete horror was the almost unlimited number of things to be nasty about.
At the beginning, there had been talk of using some of her money to start a home for alcoholics. In some sense they had succeeded.