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They stared at this sudden, bloody, swaying apparition, which was dreamily waving a sword in one hand and an axe in the other.
They had axes, too. But the thing glared at them and asked:
'Where's... my... cow?'
They backed away.
'Is that my cow?' The creature demanded, stepping forward unsteadily. It shook its head sadly.
'It goes, "Baaaa!"' it wept. 'It is... a sheep...'
Then it fell to its knees, clenched its teeth and turned its face upwards, like a man tortured beyond his wits, and beseeching the gods of fortune and the tempest, screamed:
'That! Is!! Not!!! My!!!! Cow!!!!!'

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Dave said the government hushed it up. Yeah, but your mate Dave says the government always hushes things up Nobby, said Fred. Well, they do. Except he always gets to hear about 'em, and he never gets hushed up, said Fred. I know you like to point the finger of scoff, sarge, but there's a lot goes on that we don't know about. Like what, exactly? Colon retorted. Name me one thing that's going on that you don't know about.

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