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Wherefore, and because he looked with no favourable eye upon young girls, but rather considered that they and the whole female sex were a kind of nonsensical mistake on the part of Nature, he took occasion to retire and shake his head in private at the boiler, [...].

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Dolly nodded and smiled, and feeling in her pockets (there were pockets these days) [...].

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

[...] the blind man [...] sat watching him, if the expression may be used, until it was broad day.

Godt sagt! (1) Varsle Svar

Whether these, and many other stories of the like nature, were true or untrue, the Maypole was really an old house, a very old house, perhaps as old as it claimed to be, and perhaps older, which will sometimes happen with houses of an uncertain, as with of a certain age.

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Kirsten LundHarald AndersenBente NogvaSolveigFindusLilleviTheaIreneleserInger-LiseTine SundalReadninggirl30William BillisonLailaBeathe SolbergsiljehusmorTor-Arne JensenTanteMamieTralteOleKjell F TislevollVannflaskeLars Johann MiljeGrete AastorpOdd HebækCamillaVanja SolemdalMartineEvaRufsetufsaKaren RamsvikHilde VrangsagenJohn LarsenBjørg L.Lisbeth Marie UvaagHeidi LEli HagelundReidun VærnesAnn EkerhovdEivind  VaksvikAva