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Laughter is more than just a pleasurable activity...When people laugh together, they tend to talk and touch more and to make eye contact more frequently.

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One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.

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The days are long, but the years are short.

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BenteHarald KMarianne MJulie StensethReadninggirl30Kjell F TislevollTherese HolmMads Leonard HolvikJosteinKirsten LundPiippokattaIreneleserTanteMamieGunillaTone Maria JonassenCathrine BoreLisbeth Marie UvaagCathrine PedersenBjørg  FrøysaaJan Arne NygaardHeidi LSunniva83Akima MontgomeryHanne MidtsundEivind  VaksvikJørgen NKaramasov11Frode Øglænd  MalminNinaalpakkaBeathe SolbergFrode TangenAvakntschjrldTrude JensenFriskusenStig TAnne Berit GrønbechDagfinn JakobsenDina