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"I think this is an awfully immoral job of ours. I do, really. Think how we spoil the digestions of the public."
"Ah, yes--but think how earnestly we strive to put them right again. We undermine 'em on one hand and build 'em up with the other. The vitamins we destroy in the canning, we restore in Revito, the roughage we remove from Peabody's Piper Parrich we make up into a package and market as Bunbury's Breakfast Bran; teh stomachs we ruin with Pompayne, we re-line with Peplets to aid digestion.And by forcing the damn-fool public to pay twice over--once to have its food emasculated and once to have its vitality put back again, we keep the wheels of commerce turning and give employment to thousands--including you and me."

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Elisabeth SveeStig TMarit HåverstadVannflaskeMorten MüllerJan-Olav SelforsHarald KPer Åge SerigstadHeidi BBPär J ThorssonIngunnJSilje HvalstadIngeborg GDaffy EnglundKirsten LundTorill RevheimsomniferumEgil StangelandAvaDanielConnieRufsetufsaNinaFarfalleIreneleserBjørg RistvedtHilde Merete GjessingCecilie69Anette SBjørn SturødHilde H HelsethJarmo LarsenLisbeth Kingsrud KvistenTone SundlandAlice NordliMarianne  SkageBeathe SolbergGro-Anita RoenKaramasov11Nina G