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"Because of our mobility and because we did not have to stay afterwards to take the punishment we never knew how anything really ended, he thought. You stayed with a peasant and his family. You came at night and ate with them. In the day you were hidden and the next night you were gone. You did your job and clear out. The next time you came that way you heard that they had been shot. It was as simple as that.

But you were alays gone when it happened. The partizans did their damage and pulled out. The peasants stayed and took the punishment."

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"Later in the night I heard him awake and he is crying. He is crying in a short and ugly manner as a man cries when it is as though there is an animal inside that is shaking him." - Pilar

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Where there had been roughness of fabric all was smooth with a smoothness and firm rounded pressing and a long warm coolness, cool outside and warm within, long and light and closely holding, closely held, lonely, hollow-making with contours, happy-making, young and loving and now all warmly smooth with a hollowing, chest-aching, tight-held loneliness that was such that Robert Jordan felt he could not stand it, and he said, "Hast thou loved others?"

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Det finnes ingen som ikke har et sårbart sted.

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Han hatet urettferdighet som han hatet grusomhet og han lå og kokte i et sinne som formørket tankene hans inntil raseriet langsomt ga seg og det røde,svarte,blendene,drepende raseriet var forsvunnet og hodet hans ble like stille,tomt,og rolig og kaldt og skarpsynt som hos en mann som har ligget med en kvinne han ikke er glad i.

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Robert Jordan, wiping out the stew bowl with bread, explained how the income tax and inheritance tax worked. 'But the big estates remain. Also there are taxes on the land,' he said. 'But surely the big proprietors and the rich will make a revolution against such taxes. Such taxes appear to me to be revolutionary. They will revolt against the government when they see that they are threatened, exactly as the fascists have done here,' Primitivo said.

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What nonsense, he thought. What rot you get to thinking by youself. That is really nonsense.

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All the best ones, when you thought it over, were gay. It was much better to be gay and it was a sign of something too. It was like having immortality while you were still alive. That was a complicated one. There were not many of them left though. No, there were not many of the gay ones left. There were very damned few of them left. And if you keep on thinking like that, my boy, you won't be left either.

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