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Dreams come true all the time, just not for the dreamers.

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The cow spat. "What are you going to do? Not eat me?" "That's right. I won’t eat you and I won’t eat your entire family. Wherever they hide, I’ll find them and not eat a single bite."

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The hitchhiker's guide is a hundred percent accurate. Reality, however, is not as reliable.

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Kirsten LundBjørg RistvedtAnette SHarald KVanja SolemdalOleElin Katrine NilssenBenedicteHanneKaramasov11HegeTorIngvild SSigrid Blytt TøsdalKaren RamsvikJulie StensethHilde H HelsethAnne Beth Amdal VoldMorten BolstadMarianne MTheaJan-Olav SelforsHeidi BBKikkan HaugenRune U. FurbergSynnøve H HoelMaud Jeanette Nygren WollGeir SundetReidun SvensliHanne Kvernmo RyeSigrid NygaardGroVibekeLisbeth Kingsrud KvistenConnieHarald AndersenMarit HøvdeSverre HoemLene AndresenEgil Stangeland