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I have gone from rags to riches in the sorrow of the night,
in the violence of a summer's dream, in the chill of a wintry light;
in the bitter dance of loneliness, fading into space,
in the broken mirror of innocence on each forgotten face;

I hear the ancient footsteps, like the motion of the sea,
sometimes I turn, there's someone there, other times it's only me;
I am hanging in the balance of a perfect finished Plan,
like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand. (B. Dylan, "Every Grain of Sand.")

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Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
inside of a leather cup,
but all his sexless patients
they're trying to blow it up.

Now his nurse, some local loser
she's in charge of the cyanide hole,
and she also keeps the cards that read
"have mercy on his soul". (B. Dylan, "Desolation Row".)

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I don't have the inclination to look back on any mistake,
like Cain I now behold this chain of events that I must break.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master's Hand,
in every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand. (B. Dylan, "Every Grain of Sand".)

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Yes, I received your letter yesterday, about the time the doorknob broke; when you asked me how I was doing, was that some kind of a joke? (Bob Dylan, "Desolation Row".)

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Inside the museums Infinity goes up on trial; voices echo "this is what Salvation must be like after a while". (Bob Dylan, "Visions of Johanna".)

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She knows there's no success like failure and that failure is no success at all. (Bob Dylan, "Love Minus Zero".)

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Hilde H HelsethTralteMargrethe  HaugenKjell F TislevollHarald KElisabeth SveeOleBård StøreDagfinn JakobsenTove Obrestad WøienDemeterLinda Therese BjerkanFrode Øglænd  MalminMarianne  SkageCathrine PedersenTor-Arne JensenGro Anita MyrvangTrude JensenDaffy EnglundSigrid NygaardToneHilde Merete GjessingFrisk NordvestDressmyshelfTine SundalGrete AastorpSynnøve H HoelKaramasov11John LarsenMorten BolstadIngeborg GEster SBerit RBjørg RistvedtBenedikteAkima MontgomeryVioleta JakobsenStig Tingar hSol