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Art is what these men had loved ̶ that is, themselves. (Om kunstnere og kunstsamlere).

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There is nothing more wonderful about alcoholics that the way they get the world to assume the burden of their misbehavior.

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Harald KAnne-Stine Ruud HusevågEirin EftevandKirsten LundEgil StangelandTatiana WesserlingTherese LierIngunn SLisbeth Kingsrud KvistenGroCathrine PedersenBenedikteRufsetufsaIngeborg GNinaStig TVannflaskeTonjeIvar SandTheaLiv-Torill AustgulenAlice NordliTonesen81EvagretemorHelge-Mikal HartvedtDemeterKarin BergRisRosOgKlagingJan-Olav SelforsHeidi LChristinasiljehusmorToveEllen E. MartolTone HTor-Arne JensenVegard BorgenTine VictoriaEster S