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<<Nummeret under Hongs er mitt>>, sa han.
<<Når som helst på døgnet>>, sa Wyzer. <<Jeg mener det. Du kommer ikke til å forstyrre kona. Vi har vært skilt siden 1983.>>
The truth is that life is both random and on purpose, although not in equal measure.
There are worse things than insomnia. Betrayl, for instance. Espicially when the people doing the betraying are th people you love.
Crazy people are always sure of the crazy things they see and hear. That's what makes them crazy, not the hallucinations themselves.
It's as if they were made to be forgotten.
Nuts like this had their own agenda and they stuck to it, come hell or high water.
He's going to die without any idea that he ever lived.
Yet he understood perfectly well that he couldn't live for long in a world that bright and wonderful without endangering his sanity; it would be like having an orgasm which lasted for hours.
Getting old was like getting a bad dessert at the end of a really fine meal.
Maybe it was insane, but it was also pretty cool.