You will eventually discover that under the movie stereotypes, imposed mystique, and overall inflated expectations, each and every one of us is at least a touch more boring than our images would indicate. And that is not a bad thing.

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Kirsten LundEgil StangelandBjørg Marit TinholtSynnøve H HoelAmanda ASiv RønstadMarit MogstadRandiABenedikteLilleviDolly DuckReadninggirl30Gunn DuaasHanne Kvernmo RyePiippokattaTone HJulie StensethRonnyHelena EHarald KPer Åge SerigstadFrank Rosendahl SlettebakkenCarine OlsrødAvaMarit AamdalHilde VrangsagenKaren PatriciaHilde Merete GjessingKetilSynneSiv ÅrdalConnieNtotheaEster STor Arne DahlIngeborg GgretemorNorahRune U. FurbergAnne-Stine Ruud Husevåg