"I don't pretend to know much about people", she offered, fixing her eyes on the road ahead, "but one thing I've noticed over the years is that some people are nice and some people are kind. Lillian sounds like she's more nice than she is kind. Does that make sense? Niceness is having good manners, and stopping to give someone directions, and smiling at the overworked cashier at the supermarket. These are all good things, but they have nothing to do with what's underneath. Niceness is all about what we do when other people are looking. Kindness, on the other hand, runs deep. Kindness is what happens when no one's looking."

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Dette var pent. Jeg lurer på hva med de som både er nice og kind på stor skala, typ analytiske samaritaner som ikke har annet å gjøre enn å prøve å få andre til å smile i dagen sin? Kan det være noe punkt på linjen hvor disse atferdskarakteristikkene overlapper hverandre og skaper en tredje definisjonstilhørighet? Hva kan det så være?

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