
Given what we now know about the powerful contaminant SV-40,

it was a miracle that
the polio inoculation program was not a giant disaster.

..In 1972, the World Health Organization
let an elite audience of scientists know that

funding would be available to those who would pursue the creation
of a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans

By 1978, the Olympians showed the enormity of their ambitions.
N.S.C Memorandum #46 — the "King Alfred Plan"
discussed one possible solution to the black nationalist movement
in the U.S.:
stopping the growing birth rate among blacks in America by the year
2000, using several types of deadly viruses.
This was actually written and circulated at the highest levels
of government in 1978.

AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.
Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS.
All U.S. AIDS infection has occurred since the preparation of the
"King Alfred" National Security Memorandum.

"Contaminated vaccines made in tissue cultures of animal parts
contain 'extra dangerous viruses'
and WHO smallpox vaccine doses may have been contaminated in this
fashion. According to investigations carried out by a team of
doctors from the Walter Reed Hospital,
there is a definite connection between vaccines and AIDS."

..it was a miracle that the polio inoculation program was not
a giant disaster.
Many so-called "flu shots" during the presidency of Gerald Ford
also contained SV-40,
which may account for the fact that

over twenty percent of those who received the shots
became seriously ill
and many died.

In 1977 the government denied that SV-40 contamination of
vaccines was deliberate.

The preponderance of evidence suggests that the government was —
and still is — lying.

Even as late as 1992, it was not known whether SV-40 is searched
for in AIDS victims. The terrible danger here is that
according to intelligence documents, SV-40 can lie dormant
and then be "reactivated" or "triggered" when needed,
which can also happen with HIV and two or three AIDS-related
complex viruses.

..AIDS did not exist in the United States prior to 1978.

Not in humans, not in stored blood; not anywhere —
except in the laboratories.
No American was infected with AIDS. All U.S. AIDS infection
occurred since the preparation of the "King Alfred"
National Security Memorandum.

The "King Alfred Plan" revealed that
the U.S. government had been collecting blood types
of every nation on earth.

These samples were given to virologists at Fort Detrick — ..
..the former Soviet Academy of Science in Novisibirsk ..
reported that blacks were more likely than whites
to become infected with the virus.
They would also have a shorter incubation period before
showing symptoms, and earlier death.

..people with a certain Gc 1 gene were predisposed to the HIV
virus, while a Gc 2 gene offered some protection.
As one intelligence report said,

"Extensive research .. came up with the conclusion that blacks
and mulattos have Gc 1 genes while whites have Gc 2 genes.
This, the team said, meant that Africa and Brazil would be the most
likely places in which the AIDS epidemic might start —
and where it would flourish.

This is believed to be the principle upon which the decision to
infect Africa and Brazil with AIDS first was based.
After that, they only had to find a means of delivering the AIDS
virus to large numbers of people —

and the World Health Organization found it."

The cover for the introduction of AIDS into Africa and Brazil —
with its large black population — would be the World Health
Organization's massive "humanitarian" campaign to
"eradicate smallpox for once and for all."

It was perfect. It even matched the surest way to pass
the virus: injection.

The WHO smallpox vaccines would be contaminated with the AIDS
The dangerous viral agent chosen to contaminate the vaccines
was SV-40,
an idea which sprang from the results of a near disaster
years earlier with contaminated Salk Polio Vaccine.

Until 1962, SV-40 — which caused cancer in animals — was contained
in polio vaccine shots,

and research work in the Soviet Union and Holland had concluded
that the SV-40 virus was widespread in bovine serum,
including fetal calf serum (BIV).

Fort Detrick virologists discovered that the loci of scores of genes
related to the body's immune system are located on chromosome 14.

They also found that SV-40 has a strong affinity for chromosome 14.

The scientists reported that this was the link —
the attack by SV-40 on chromosome 14—which caused polio, cancer,
leukemia and immune suppression.

The story of SV-40 first appeared publicly in "Human Exposures to
SV-40: A Review and Comment," an article by noted epidemiologists
N. Nathanson and K. Shah,
published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
(Vol 103, No.1, January, 1976.)
The article said that in the 1950s, millions of Americans were
exposed to the papova virus SV-40,
a common and unrecognized contaminant which had been prepared
from virus pools grown in simian monkey kidney cultures.

In February 1977, in "Science That Frightens Scientists,"
published in the Atlantic Monthly,
William Bennett and Joel Gurin confirmed that millions of people
in the U.S. were "inadvertently" injected with simian virus 40.

Subsequently it was confirmed that the Salk polio vaccine was
cultured in kidneys from African green monkeys.
This may have given rise to the myth that a man bitten by a green
monkey contracted AIDS, which then developed into the present
AIDS epidemic.
As preposterous as it is, this fable is still one of the most
accepted theories about the genesis of AIDS.

Shortly after the World Health Organization's smallpox vaccination
program was completed, serious outbreaks of AIDS occurred in
Central Africa and Brazil.
As early as 1984, several intelligence services — ranging from U.S.
allies such as French intelligence and the Vatican
to enemies such as the KGB and Libyan intelligence
(which had access to sensitive information from the then highly
efficient Rumanian intelligence service ) —
began circulating internal reports that the U.S. was running
experiments with contaminated vaccines in human inoculations.

In 1985 The World Health Organization sent one if its top
officials to soothe the anxiety of African governments
whose people were suffering a wildfire of AIDS infection.

He was supposed to deliver the official WHO message: AIDS was
"no problem."
But once the WHO official saw the situation first hand,
he refused.

Yet WHO continued to insist that the problem of AIDS in Africa
was being grossly exaggerated.

( fulltekst )

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