This aristocratic tradition of "population control"

found its expression in America in the early 20th Century
with the formation in 1904 of
what was then known as the "Station for Experimental Evolution."

Funded by generous grants from Andrew Carnegie — who stated
publicly that he was a hearty supporter of Malthus' ideas on
"population control" — Cornelius Vanderbilt, J. P. Morgan
and John D. Rockefeller,
the Station conducted experiments involving different races.

One of their goals was to learn how to curb the rapid birth
rate of blacks and other "coloreds."

As outrageous as it may sound now,
this was a goal that was very
much on the minds of the Eastern rich in America.
They were as frightened of being overrun by the masses —
particularly the blacks — as the British had been of the natives
they ruled in their colonies.

In 1910, Mrs. E. H. Harriman donated 80 acres of land at Cold
Spring Harbor, Long Island, and $300,000 to the Station for
Experimental Evolution to establish a "Eugenics Records Office."

The widow of the man who created America's first great railroad
fortune — her fortune was estimated at somewhere around a half
billion dollars.

The newspapers called her the richest woman in the world, and she
became a driving force behind eugenics research in America.

(Eugenics is defined as "the study of hereditary improvement
by genetic control.")

The thrust of the research conducted at Cold Spring Harbor was
to improve the superiority of the white race.
Mrs. Harriman wanted a world-wide campaign of sterilization

of defectives "to make race perfect."

The creation of a Master Race, in other words.

The records of that era which are still available indicate that
this was a socially acceptable view among the rich
who supported Cold Spring Harbor.

They were determinedly making plans to halt the birth rate of
blacks and colored people — Indians and Asians —
especially in Africa and the United States.

A typical attitude among this group was expressed publicly by
the vice president of the Immigration Restriction League,
Madison Grant, a friend of Teddy Roosevelt's and a trustee of
the Museum of Natural History:

"In Europe today, the amount of Nordic blood in each nation is a
very fair measure of its strength in war
and its standing in civilization.

In the City of New York, and elsewhere in the United States
there is a native American Aristocracy resting upon
layer upon layer of immigrants of lower races …

It has taken us 50 years to learn that speaking English,
wearing good clothes and going to school and church does not
transform a Negro into a white man …

Americans will have a similar experience with the Polish Jew,
whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality and ruthless
concentration on self-interests are being grafted upon
the stock of the nation.

Indiscriminate efforts to preserve babies among the lower
classes often results in serious injury to the race."

Grant was a worthy heir to the spiritual tradition of Thomas
Malthus — and he summarized nicely the world view of those
who poured their money into the eugenics work of Cold Spring
Harbor, both then and in the future.

From 1915 until shortly before World War II, the Olympians
opened the facilities at Cold Spring Harbor to many of Germany's
leading genetic scientists.
They conducted extensive research into the origins of various
races and designed eugenics experiments to rid the world of
the mentally retarded —

who were called "undesirables" or "defectives."

Cold Spring Harbor gained the reputation as the world's leader
in eugenics research.
The scions of the most respected American families, such as the
Harrimans, funded these experiments —
which continue until this day and led to the creation of the AIDS

In the early days, they weren't even terribly secretive.
There were seven superrich families who just accepted as their God-
given privilege that they would someday own America —
its natural resources and productive capacity — outright.

Their ideas were [not much advanced beyond] feudalism.

And they were so certain in their self-righteous rectitude that
they openly told the press exactly what they planned.

The press respectfully, even admiringly, published it.
(Not completely unlike today's press.)

These were the actual headlines from the New York World newspaper
on September 4, 1915:

"Mrs. E. H. Harriman Backs a Gigantic Step in Eugenics -
Would Curb Defectives by the Hundreds of Thousands Over Series
of Years -- To Make Race Perfect.

Aid of Rockefeller and Carnegie Hoped For in World-Wide Campaign."

The story began: "A world-wide campaign for the sterilization of
defectives is called for in a report to the Eugenic Society,
which has its headquarters at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island

and is generously aided financially by Mrs. E. H. Harriman.
John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie are expected to contribute."

The Eugenics Office inflicted its cruelty ...
( videre om 'pellagra'-kampanjen her >
( fulltekst >

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Viser 1 svar.

"Station for Experimental Evolution",

må vi ikke tro det er George Orwell vi leser?

Eller altså, et fagskrift om den beinharde realpolitikk
som vil utnevne deg og meg
til 'unyttige etere'

som har 'Keine Existenz-berechtigung' --

vi er bare belastninger for stakkars 'miljøet',
for det er det eneste som er verd å bevare.

(Hadde du trodd du selv var verd billettpengene?)

"Hverken hvit eller sort eller rød er hans hud:
Alle verdens mennesker er like forAKTELIGE
for 'denne verdens gud'"
( tidsriktig barnesang )

og "population control" er ikke blitt mindre eksplisitt
i realpolitikken --

men hvilket parti kan det nå være
som uttrykkelig har forpliktet seg på
at vi bare er evolusjonært oppsop og ruskrask

og må 'vike' for de få som som er født med forkjørsrett?

"They were as frightened of being overrun by the masses —
particularly the blacks — as the British had been of
the natives they ruled in their colonies."

The thrust of the research .. was
to improve the superiority of the white race.
Mrs. Harriman wanted a world-wide campaign of sterilization
of defectives "to make race perfect."

The creation of a Master Race, in other words.

.."In Europe today, the amount of Nordic blood in each nation
is a very fair measure of its strength in war
and its standing in civilization. ...

It has taken us 50 years to learn that speaking English,
wearing good clothes and going to school and church does not
transform a Negro into a white man … "

De lar seg se på omigjen, de sitatene.

"This was not a well-meant endeavor that went haywire.
This was not the work of a mad scientist.

This was a project coldly calculated to discover
whether a new virus could be created
that would decimate a population in a seemingly "natural" plague.

The experiments were concluded in 1967.

( G.Glums fulltekst )

War against the Weak

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