Varslet Verdens- Voldsgrep:

Similar to how cattle are marked with ear tags, this global
Pharma/Tech alliance wants all humans
to be “vaccinated” with digital tracking chips
that will create a seamless monitoring system for a New World
Authority to manage the populations
of our world :


varslet på forhånd?

This 'ID2020 Alliance'.. is a digital identity program

that aims to “leverage immunization” by a means of inserting
tiny microchips into persons' bodies.

In collaboration with the 'Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunizations', also known as GAVI,
[ Gates' Almighty Vaccines & Injections ]

the government of Bangladesh and various other “partners in”
government, academia, and humanitarian relief,
the ID2020 Alliance hopes to usher in this mark of the beast
as a way to keep tabs on every human being living on Earth.

In Austin, Texas: the homeless population is now being exploited
as a collective guinea pig for ID2020’s microchip vaccination

which the group claims will help to “empower” homeless people
by supposedly giving them “control” over their personal
identity data.

ja spør sauene på jordet, om de ikke følte seg hjulpet
til bedre 'kontroll over sitt liv i velferdssystemet'
med en signalgul nummerplate i hvert øre.

Hvada, flokker av hjemløse i velferdsstaten Texas ??
Var de der sist du hørte nytt derfra?

sitert artikkel her >

"While the ID2020 program testing grounds are primarily
in the Third World, [ Slavekår-vante raser først! ]

the group says its also now working with governments here
in the United States
to start microchipping people through vaccination."

"All of this is priming the public for an eventual mandate of
microchip vaccinations,
which will be required for every individual

in order to buy and sell goods.

Chowdhury openly admitted this in stating that digital identity
systems will be necessary for “individuals access to services
and livelihoods.

Right off the Bible: A global identification system
is in the works that will eventually be required for people
to function in society, and ultimately survive.

Without these microchips in their bodies, people won’t be able
to work, let alone eat,
and it’s all happening right before our very eyes.

Keep in mind that ID2020 is a part of the so-called “REAL ID” ,
which will soon be required for those who wish to travel.

REAL ID will also be used as a backdoor method of implementing
mandatory vaccination policies for adults. "

( jeg i ferd med å røpe noe fra handlingen i en bok? )

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Viser 1 svar.

Men vaksine-makerne får FRASKRIVE seg ansvar for skader:

"Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID Vaccine Liability Claims "

Råkjører innersvinger for å få fram et 'produkt' snarest.
Men skulle det bli tillatt å nekte å ta imot denne Revolver-omsorgen?

Du må nok gis flere omganger innsprøyt,
har hjelpetvangspleier $Bill Gates nylig erklært!
og: " Normale tider kommer IKKE tilbake før hele klodens befolkning
har tatt vaksinen !"   (tv)

Hvordan vet han det? Han var med på å planlegge det hele, som
simulert øvelse


“If people let government decide what foods they eat
and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be
in as sorry a state as are the souls
of those who live under tyranny.”

Thomas Jefferson

sprøyteterror - fra topplanlagt perspektiv

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