..the ghastly 1941 Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad
that killed and injured hundreds of Iraqi Jews.

Farhud means violent dispossession.
The Farhud was but the first bloody step along the tormented
path to the ultimate expulsion of some 850,000 Jews
from across the Arab world.
That systematic expulsion ended centuries of Jewish existence
and stature in those lands.

Jews had thrived in Iraq for 2,700 years,
a thousand years before Mohammad.
But all that came to end when the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin
al-Husseini, led the broad Arab-Nazi alliance
in a Holocaust that produced a military, economic, political,
and ideological common cause with Hitler.

Although Husseini spearheaded an international pro-Nazi,
anti-Jewish Islamic movement from India to Central Europe to
the Middle East,
it was in Baghdad — a 1,000-kilometer drive from Jerusalem —
that he launched his robust coordination with the Third Reich.

In 1941, Iraq still hosted Britain’s Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which
controlled the region’s oil.
Hitler wanted that oil to propel his invasion of Russia.

The Arabs, led by Husseini, wanted the Jews out of Palestine
and Europe’s persecuted Jews kept away from the Middle East.

Indeed, Husseini persuasively argued to Hitler that Jews should
not be expelled to Palestine but rather to Poland,
where “they will be under active control.”
Translation: send Jews to the concentration camps.
Husseini had visited concentration camps.
He had been hosted by architect of the genocide Heinrich Himmler,

and the Mufti considered Shoah engineer Adolf Eichmann not only
a great friend, but a “diamond” among men.

Nazi lust for oil and Arab hatred of Jews combined synergistically
June 1–2, 1941 burning the Farhud into history.

Arab soldiers, police, and hooligans, swearing allegiance to the Mufti
and Hitler,
bolstered by fascist coup plotters known as the Golden Square,
ran wild in the streets, raping, shooting, burning, dismembering,
and decapitating.
Jewish blood flowed through those streets and their screams
created echoes that have never faded.

The 1941 Farhud massacre, which was launched in tandem with an
attempted takeover of the British oil fields and London’s airbase
at Habbaniya,

set the stage for the Mufti-Hitler summit
and the establishment of three Islamic and Arab Waffen SS divisions
in central Europe under Himmler’s direct sponsorship.

After the State of Israel was established in 1948, Mufti adherents
and devotees throughout the Arab world,
working through the Arab League, openly and systematically
expelled 850,000 Jews from Morocco to Lebanon.

Penniless and stateless, many of those refugees were airlifted
to Israel where they were absorbed and became almost half
the families of Israel.

Remembering these tragic facts of the Farhud process will
make it harder
for the newly invented history to take root:
After the Arabs rebranded themselves as “Palestinians” in May 1964
with the backing of the Soviet KGB,
a new narrative began to come together.

In part, it pretends that the Arabs of Ottoman and then British
Palestine did not arrive in the Seventh Century during the Arab-Islamic
Conquest, as history records ;
Their narrative now asserts that they be actually descendants of the
Canaanites and the Philistines.
Palestine is named for the Philistines.
After the Jews were expelled by the Romans in about 135-136 CE,
the name of their nation was changed from Judea to Syria Palaestina.

But in truth, the Israelites gave rise to the only true
surviving Canaanites. The Philistines were Greek Island sea invaders
defeated by Ramses III in about 1150 BCE
and sequestered into the Gaza Pentapolis,
not Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula who conquered
in the seventh century CE.

Invented Palestinian history also asserts that present-day Israelis
are almost entirely transplants from such alien regions as the Ukraine,
Poland, Brooklyn, and Germany — or descendants thereof.
Remembering the Farhud helps us understand that almost half
the early Jewish families in newly declared Israel were not from across
the sea, but rather from across the river, across the bridge,
down the road, and plucked from the same culture.

..Remembering the 1941 Farhud and the Arab-Nazi alliance that
sparked it, locks in Arab involvement in the Holocaust

as one of full partnership with the Third Reich.
This Nazi-Arab alliance thrived, complete with tens of thousands of
Islamic and Arab volunteers arduously fighting in the trenches,

coordinating diplomatic and strategic affairs through the Arab
Higher Committee,
broadcasting nightly incendiary hate messages beginning with the words
“Oh Muslims,”
and undertaking all things calculated to advance a German victory
which promised an Arab state in Palestine
and a disappeared Jewish population.

No wonder the Arab marketplaces were filled with placards that
exhorted, “In Heaven, Allah is your ruler.
On Earth, it is Adolf Hitler.”

/ /

This was a well-planned Holocaust-era .. alliance, embraced by many
ordinary Arabs, and led by al-Husseini the Mufti of Jerusalem.
The Mufti was acknowledged by Hitler as Berlin's most important
leader in the Arab nation ..

this axis fervently hoped to help the Nazis and fascism conquer Europe,
defeat Britain, and mass-murder every living Jew.. the movement
as well became an integral member of Germany's military machine both
in Europe and the Middle East.

What was behind this unlikely coalition of racial enemies --
Arab Semites and Aryan Nazis?
..the alliance was a complicated mixture of political ingredients
that had been stewing for decades.. the yoke of British imperialism,
Berlin's changing strategy for world domination. Binding it all, was
one precious substance.
At the bottom of the pot was oil.

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