In a conversation with a Muslim, I brought up the Quran's condemnation
of charging interest on the money lent out to others.
He dismissed this because he claimed that the Quran at that point was
only reflecting seventh-century Arabian culture and therefore could be
Then I pointed out that if this same principle was applied to all the
other cultural elements within Islam, such as the five pillars,
civil laws, dietary laws, dress codes, etc., Islam itself would collapse
like a house of cards.
After digesting this, he stated that the Quran's condemnation of usury
was not a "cultural" law but the eternal law of Allah.

I could not help but point out that the Quran's condemnation of usury
had to be either cultural and hence would be disobeyed or it was the
eternal word of Allah and he would have to give up any interest-bearing
accounts he had. To this he gave no response.

To the rational mind, it is clear that every time a Muslim accepts
interest payments on bank accounts, loans, or mortgages he is
demonstrating to one and all that the Quran is really the product of
seventh-century Arabian culture and not the eternal word of God.

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