"The boy asked the girl to say "I love you" into her can, giving her no further explanation. "And she didn't ask for any, or say "That's silly," or "We're to young for love," or even suggest that she was saying "I love you" because he asked her to. Instead she said, "I love you". The words travelled the yo-yo, the doll, the diary, the necklace, the quilt, the clothesline, the birthday present, the harp, the tea bag, the tennis racket, the hem of the skirt he one day should hav eoulled from her body." "Grody!" "The boy covered his can with a lid, removed it from the string, and put her love for him on a shelf in his closet. Of course, he never could open the can, because then it would loose its contents. It was enough just to know it was there."
Viser 1 svar.
åja! det er der den er fra, historien om gutten som bodde i den delen av byen som rev seg løs fra resten og seilte ut på havet og forsvant til slutt, etter at han og jenta hadde holdt kontakten gjennom en stadig lenger telefontråd, og jeg skjønte aldri hvorfor han ikke bare gikk i land, gå i land da for svarte, tenkte jeg hele tida, for hvorfor skulle han absolutt sitte på en avrevet del av byen og forsvinne ut på havet. men noen ting er bare sånn.