"There is no story that is not true. The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others."

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Stine SevilhaugErlend Risvik PaulsenTanteMamieIngeborg GPilarisKjerstiRisRosOgKlagingHarald AndersenPiippokattaHarald KKirsten LundRandiAYvonne JohannesenINA TORNESLailamarvikkisEivind  VaksvikWencheBerit RTine SundalDemeterEli HagelundDolly DuckRufsetufsaEster SLilleviKarina HillestadLars Johann MiljeEvaJarmo LarsenAnneWangElisabeth SveeIngeborgJakob SæthreMorten MüllerJulie StensethChristofferKjell F TislevollElin FjellheimDaffy EnglundTom-Erik Falla