The battle of Evernight

the Bitterbynde

book III

av (forfatter).

Tor Books 2003 Heftet

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Siri Søbergs eksemplar av The battle of Evernight - the Bitterbynde


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Romantisk fantasy


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Once upon a time the great High King, became trapped in mortal Erith along with his twin brother - and nemesis - Morragan the Raven Prince, after the gate to the Faeran Realm was closed on them. Now, many centuries later, the fugitive who calls herself Tahquil has at last discovered the truth. She is being hunted down because she alone can reopen the gate to the Fair Realm, and Morragan plans to use her for his escape from exile. However, Tahquil's mind is still clouded by a potent spell called the Bitterbynde, and she is also dying from a mystical wasting disease, whose cure can only be found in Evernight - at the fortress of the Raven Prince himself.

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Once upon a time the great High King, became trapped in mortal Erith along with his twin brother - and nemesis - Morragan the Raven Prince, after the gate to the Faeran Realm was closed on them. Now, many centuries later, the fugitive who calls herself Tahquil has at last discovered the truth. She is being hunted down because she alone can reopen the gate to the Fair Realm, and Morragan plans to use her for his escape from exile. However, Tahquil's mind is still clouded by a potent spell called the Bitterbynde, and she is also dying from a mystical wasting disease, whose cure can only be found in Evernight - at the fortress of the Raven Prince himself.


Forlag Tor Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780333907580

EAN 9780333907580

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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