The lady of the sorrows

the Bitterbynde

book 2

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Tor Books 2003 Heftet

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Siri Søbergs eksemplar av The lady of the sorrows - the Bitterbynde


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Romantisk fantasy


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Though her memory remains clouded by sorcery, Imrhien must take vital news directly to the King-Emperor of Caermelor. She hopes that there she may also find Thorn, the fearless ranger who has won her heart. She assumes the identity of 'Rohain', a noblewoman visiting from the distant Sorrow Isles, but finds the King and his rangers heading off to battle the Unseelie hordes. While she awaits the King's return, the newcomer Rohain is trapped in her subterfuge, facing a court where treachery and deceit are as deadly as any eldritch peril. Worse still, attacks by nightmare monsters of the Wild Hunt grow ever more frequent and brutal, and when evil forces lay siege to the royal sanctuary on a hidden mystic island, she realises with horror that she herself is the real target of these onslaughts, but has no idea why.

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Though her memory remains clouded by sorcery, Imrhien must take vital news directly to the King-Emperor of Caermelor. She hopes that there she may also find Thorn, the fearless ranger who has won her heart. She assumes the identity of 'Rohain', a noblewoman visiting from the distant Sorrow Isles, but finds the King and his rangers heading off to battle the Unseelie hordes. While she awaits the King's return, the newcomer Rohain is trapped in her subterfuge, facing a court where treachery and deceit are as deadly as any eldritch peril. Worse still, attacks by nightmare monsters of the Wild Hunt grow ever more frequent and brutal, and when evil forces lay siege to the royal sanctuary on a hidden mystic island, she realises with horror that she herself is the real target of these onslaughts, but has no idea why.


Forlag Tor Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330489560

EAN 9780330489560

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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