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Best-selling author Joyce Carol Oates blends sexual violence, racism, brutality, and power in her latest incendiary novel.When a fourteen-year-old girl is the alleged victim of a terrible act of racial violence, the incident shocks and galvanises her community, exacerbating the racial tension that has been simmering in this New Jersey town for decades.Unfolding in a chorus of multiracial voices - from the police to the media to the victim and her family - which gather to reach a tense crescendo at the novel's climax, THE SACRIFICE offers a shocking new understanding of power and oppression, innocence and guilt, truth and sensationalism, justice and retribution - and the primal decisions we make to protect those we love.A chilling exploration of complex social, political, and moral themes, THE SACRIFICE is a major work of fiction from one of our most revered literary masters.


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780008114893

EAN 9780008114893

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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