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Voyager 1995 Heftet

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Long after Earth was forgotten, a peaceful and unified galaxy took shape. The system worked for countless generations. Everyone believed it would work forever, except Hari Seldon. Reluctantly, the Comission of Public Safety agreed to finance the Seldon Plan, which was a long time strategy to minimize the worst of what was to come. Two foundations were set up at opposite ends of the galaxy, and this is the story of the First Foundation on the remote planet of Terminus. This is the first volume in the Foundation saga.

Omtale fra forlaget

Long after Earth was forgotten, a peaceful and unified galaxy took shape. The system worked for countless generations. Everyone believed it would work forever, except Hari Seldon. Reluctantly, the Comission of Public Safety agreed to finance the Seldon Plan, which was a long time strategy to minimize the worst of what was to come. Two foundations were set up at opposite ends of the galaxy, and this is the story of the First Foundation on the remote planet of Terminus. This is the first volume in the Foundation saga.


Forlag Voyager

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780586010808

EAN 9780586010808

Serie Foundation (1)

Genre Science fiction Klassisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Sider 234

Utgave 1

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