The Death Trust

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Bantam 2007 Hardcover

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Johnny Olsens eksemplar av The Death Trust


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Forlag Bantam

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9780553805345

Språk Engelsk

Sider 416

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As shocking as today's headlines… In this no-holds-barred thriller, David Rollins plunges readers deep into the heart of a terrifying conspiracy of absolute power at its absolute worst. Who can you trust when those you’re taught to trust are perpetrating the ultimate act of betrayal?

As evil as your worst fears...

For Special Investigator Major Vin Cooper, it begins with a sniper’s bullet that claims the life of a young G.I. on a routine patrol in Iraq. It’s an all-too-familiar tragedy, not a crime, until it’s linked to the bizarre death of a four-star general…who just happens to be the dead soldier’s father and the son-in-law of a powerful U.S. vice president. Cooper’s investigation will uncover a trail of “accidental” deaths that leads from the war-torn streets of Baghdad to sex slavery in Latvia to a celebrated political marriage that began in the White House Rose Garden. But as he pieces together the most shocking conspiracy in history, Cooper begins to wonder if his superiors really want him to uncover the truth…or become the next victim of the most murderous lie of all.

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