The ancient curse

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2010 Heftet

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Johnny Olsens eksemplar av The ancient curse


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Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780230744226

EAN 9780230744226

Genre Spenning

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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In the darkest hours of the night at the Museum of Volterra, young archaeologist Fabrizio Castellani is immersed in his work. He has discovered that the famous Etruscan statue known as "the shade of twilight" contains a mysterious object, seemingly enclosed within the sculpture itself. He is suddenly interrupted by a phone call from an icy female voice, warning him to abandon his research at once. A series of gruesome killings follow. The victims, who have all been involved in the desecration of an unexplored tomb, seem to be have been torn to pieces by a beast of unimaginable size. Meanwhile, as Fabrizio excavates the Etruscan tomb he discovers something extraordinary, and chilling. Will Fabrizio manage to unravel these secrets without being sucked into the spiral of violence himself?

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