
A Dane Maddock Adventure

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Gryphonwood Press 2012 Paperback

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Johnny Olsens eksemplar av Buccaneer - A Dane Maddock Adventure


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Forlag Gryphonwood Press

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780983765561

Språk Engelsk

Sider 290

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For more than two centuries the Oak Island Money Pit has baffled researchers and foiled treasure hunters, and when Dane Maddock and Bones Bonebrake take up the search, they get much more than they bargained for. Danger lies at every turn as they search for a treasure out of legend that dates back to the time of Christ.

Ancient wonders, hidden temples, mythical creatures, secret societies, and foes new and old await as Dane and Bones unravel a pirate’s deadly secret in Buccaneer.

Praise for the Dane Maddock Adventures

"David Wood delivers again in Buccaneer with a fast-paced romp through sunken treasure maps, hidden Templar churches and a secret organization that wants to resurrect an ancient kingdom. Dane Maddock and his sidekick Bones wisecrack their way through adventure, aided by Angel and Avery, two strong women who bring a romantic spin to this action-adventure chase. I loved the Cornish citadel with dragons guarding it and the echoes of Arthurian legend. Fantastic!" -J.F.Penn, author of the ARKANE thrillers.

“With the thoroughly enjoyable way Mr. Wood has mixed speculative history with our modern day pursuit of truth, he has created a story that thrills and makes one think beyond the boundaries of mere fiction and enter the world of ‘why not’?”–David Lynn Golemon, Author of Ripper and Legend

“Ancient cave paintings? Cities of gold? Secret scrolls? Sign me up. A twisty tale of adventure and intrigue that never lets up and never lets go!” –Robert Masello, author of The Medusa Amulet

“A page-turning yarn blending high action, Biblical speculation, ancient secrets, and nasty creatures. Indiana Jones better watch his back!”–Jeremy Robinson, author of SecondWorld

“Packed solid with action and witty dialogue, this rousing adventure takes a fresh look at one of the most enduring mysteries of the 20th century.” -Sean Ellis, author of Dark Trinity: Ascendant

“A an all-out blitzkrieg of a globe-trotting adventure that breaks from the action just long enough for a couple of laughs.” -Rick Chesler, author of Solar Island

“Let there be no confusion: David Wood is the next Clive Cussler..”–Edward G. Talbot, author of 2010: The Fifth World
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