Too much horror business

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2011 Innbundet

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Catrine Munsters eksemplar av Too much horror business


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Skrekk, Fantasy & Sci-fi


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For as long as he can remember, Kirk Hammett has found fascination, escape and even love within the world of horror movies. From nervous yet enthralled nights spent cowering behind the sofa as another Universal Studios horror classic played on the black and white TV, to the recent years which have seen Hammett gather one of the largest private collections of movie poster art & memorabilia in the world, Kirk's love of the genre has never wavered. As the lead guitarist of rock superstars Metallica, Hammett has been able to indulge this passion and procure the art and artifacts from the world of fantasy and horror, which are only available to a select few. Each piece Kirk has bought holds emotional value for him, each one a memory, reminder and embodiment of a moment in time, whether as a child or today. Indeed, the collection could be interpreted as a roadmap of Hammett's life. For this reason, Kirk has previously been highly reluctant to discuss or divulge the details of a collection of toys, posters and props, which developed a legendary reputation amongst horror enthusiasts and Metallica fans alike. Until now. Too Much Horror Business is the definitive record of his collection and the feelings attached to it. Presented in a full colour, large format volume, the book does real justice to his treasure trove of horror. The book is augmented with a series of Q&As with Kirk, which will illuminate the story of young Hammett growing up obsessed with monster movies, his stories of collecting and the monster genre's influence on his music. For fans of horror, Too Much Horror Business will be the ultimate journey through hundreds of unique properties and pieces that have rarely been seen. For fans of Metallica, it will be the rock & roll coffee table book that offers an intriguing and little seen view into the mind of a horror obsessed, superstar guitar hero.


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780810996595

EAN 9780810996595

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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