Fragile Things

Short Fictions and Wonders

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Harper 2010 Mass Market Paperback

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Neil Gaiman




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Forlag Harper

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Mass Market Paperback

ISBN13 9780060515232

Språk Engelsk

Sider 400

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As I write now, it occurs to me that the peculiarity of most things we think of as fragile is how tough they truly are. There were tricks we did with eggs, as children, to show how they were, in reality, tiny load-bearing marble halls; while the beat of the wings of a butterfly in the right place, we are told, can create a hurricane across an ocean. Hearts may break, but hearts are the toughest of muscles, able to pump for a lifetime, seventy times a minute, and scarcely falter along the way. Even dreams, the most delicate and intangible of things, can prove remarkable difficult to kill.

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I remember I was standing in the Earls Court Road, in Earls Court, looking up at the Earl's Court Tube Station sign and wondering why the apostrophe was there in the station when it wasn't in the place

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October was in the chair, so it was chilly that evening, and the leaves were red and orangeand tumbled from the trees that circled the grove.

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