Heritage of Shannara

the complete four books series

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2007 Heftet

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Anders Stensakers eksemplar av Heritage of Shannara - the complete four books series


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Fantasy, Superb


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THE SCIONS OF SHANNARA - A dire message from the Druid Allanon sends Par and his brother on an impossible task: to recover the long-lost Sword of Shannara - or the Four Lands will be destroyed. THE DRUID OF SHANNARA - Evil forces remain in control of the Four Lands. To restore Druid Allanon's keep, Walker Boh journeys to find the black Elfstone. He must venture into perilous lands with a strange band of fellow travellers - one of whom is hatching his own sinister plot. THE ELF QUEEN OF SHANNARA - Ordered by the Druid Allanon to find the Elves and return them to the world of Men, Wren is taken to an island where they might still exist. Even if by some miracle she locates the Elves, will they follow her? THE TALISMANS OF SHANNARA - The Shadowen still swarm over the Four Lands, poisoning everything with their dark magic. Their leader is determined to destroy all the Scions of Shannara. The charges are doomed to failure - unless Par can unlock the Sword of Shannara's power.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781841493558

EAN 9781841493558

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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