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Linda Saras eksemplar av The oracle


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November 1973. Professor Periklis Harvatis, working alone and late into the night on an important archaelogical dig, has unearthed a magnificent golden vase upon which the enigmatic images of a long lost, second Odyssey are engraved, showing the mystery of Ulysses' last and final voyage. But in the bleak chamber where he finds it he sees something so frightening that - a broken man - less than 7 hours later he is dead. but not before he has ensured the safety of the vase.Ten years on, and a series of violently gruesome deaths connected to the rape and murder, during the student protests in Athens, of a beautiful Greek woman on the same night as Professor Harvatis's discovery, is perplexing the authorities. Each atrocity is accompanied by a dire quotation from the ancient sources, exposing an ingeniously cruel mind.

Omtale fra forlaget

November 1973. Professor Periklis Harvatis, working alone and late into the night on an important archaelogical dig, has unearthed a magnificent golden vase upon which the enigmatic images of a long lost, second Odyssey are engraved, showing the mystery of Ulysses' last and final voyage. But in the bleak chamber where he finds it he sees something so frightening that - a broken man - less than 7 hours later he is dead. but not before he has ensured the safety of the vase.Ten years on, and a series of violently gruesome deaths connected to the rape and murder, during the student protests in Athens, of a beautiful Greek woman on the same night as Professor Harvatis's discovery, is perplexing the authorities. Each atrocity is accompanied by a dire quotation from the ancient sources, exposing an ingeniously cruel mind.


Forlag Pan Books

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330438223

EAN 9780330438223

Genre Spenning

Omtalt tid 1980-1989 1970-1979

Omtalt sted Hellas

Språk Engelsk

Sider 342

Utgave 1

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