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Linda Saras eksemplar av Siege


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For more than a thousand years the mighty walls of Constantinople have protected the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, the furthest outpost of Christianity. But now the Turkish army, the largest their Sultan has ever assembled, stands before them, their massive cannons including the new 'dragon' - a mediaeval super gun - trained on the ramparts. No European army will help: the last crusaders had been cut to pieces by the Turks on the plains of Kosovo. Constantinople is on its own. And treachery is in the air. Three people will fight to hold back the tide of history: a stubborn princess, the young emperor - and a mercenary captain with a personal score to settle. Sofia must sacrifice everything - and everyone - she loves to save her city; her uncle, the emperor, too. But Giovanni Longo will face the worst choice: just as he prepares to make his final stand, he finds he has something to live for after all.From the intrigues within the Emperor's household to the Sultan's harem and the savage fights on the battlements, Siege is a full-blooded historical adventure novel in the tradition of Warrior of Rome, Pilgim or Crusade.


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781848542952

EAN 9781848542952

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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