Divine evil

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2007 Heftet

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Clare Kimball is a critically acclaimed sculptress. But success can not burn away the vague, troubling memories, the half-remembered nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. These phantoms of the past have drawn her home to Maryland, to the small town where she grew up and where her father died in circumstances never really explained. Emmitsboro is just as Clare remembered - the same familiar faces, the same chatty gossip over the counter at the local diner. Nothing much has changed - except Cameron Rafferty. Once the high school bad boy, he landed on the right side of the law and is now the town sheriff. Clare finds herself falling for Cam's charms all over again. But the past Clare has come to lay to rest has risen up with a vengeance, rocking the town in the form of a brutal murder. As the investigation gets under way, it's clear the death is linked to something very sinister - something clearly connected with Clare's return...Nora Roberts is a "New York Times" and international bestseller of romantic suspense.

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Clare Kimball is a critically acclaimed sculptress. But success can not burn away the vague, troubling memories, the half-remembered nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. These phantoms of the past have drawn her home to Maryland, to the small town where she grew up and where her father died in circumstances never really explained. Emmitsboro is just as Clare remembered - the same familiar faces, the same chatty gossip over the counter at the local diner. Nothing much has changed - except Cameron Rafferty. Once the high school bad boy, he landed on the right side of the law and is now the town sheriff. Clare finds herself falling for Cam's charms all over again. But the past Clare has come to lay to rest has risen up with a vengeance, rocking the town in the form of a brutal murder. As the investigation gets under way, it's clear the death is linked to something very sinister- something clearly connected with Claire's return Nora Roberts is a New York Times and international bestseller of romantic suspense.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780749938253

EAN 9780749938253

Genre Romantikk Spenning

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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