The Worlds of Prot

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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 2002 Paperback

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Trond G. Larsens eksemplar av K-Pax III - The Worlds of Prot


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Forlag Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780747557838

Språk Engelsk

Sider 288

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"Prot, what's the first thing we have to do in order to survive the next century?"
"It's all interrelated. For example, you can't reduce your numbers until you eliminate your religious beliefs. And you can't do that as long as there is an abundance of ignorance and a dearth of education. But you can't change that as long as people with the most money use it to maintain the status quo. And if you maintain the status quo, your environment will soon collapse. But you can't protect the environment from collapse until you reduce your numbers - shall I go on?"

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