List of the lost

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2015 Heftet

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'Beware the novelist . . . intimate and indiscreet . . . pompous, prophetic airs . . . here is the fact of fiction . . . an American tale where, naturally, evil conquers good, and none live happily ever after, for the complicated pangs of the empty experiences of flesh-and-blood human figures are the reason why nothing can ever be enough. To read a book is to let a root sink down. List of the lost is the reality of what is true battling against what is permitted to be true.' MorrisseyPenguin Books is delighted to announce the forthcoming publication of List of the Lost, Morrissey's extraordinary novel, on 24 September.


Utgivelsesår 2015

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141982960

EAN 9780141982960

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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