Havana Real

One Woman Fights to Tell the Truth about Cuba Today

av (forfatter) og M. J. Porter (translator).

Melville House 2011 Kindle Edition

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Britt Elins eksemplar av Havana Real - One Woman Fights to Tell the Truth about Cuba Today


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Forlag Melville House

Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 258

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The solutions found by citizens are often touted as "achievements of the system," when in reality they are desperate struggles for survival.

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The instilled fear of the "mole" - who could be anyone and from whom we must protect ourselves - is the most efficient trick, the most effective and successful path to disunity.

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"It is not possible for a Cuban citizen to etablish her own web domain and house it on a server in Cuba; but it is illegal for her to establish a web domain hosted on a server in another country." " Cuba's "official" bloggers reflect the only true reality. We, the alternative bloggers, therefore, are puppets of some foreign power."

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You can sign your own name to anything you think and write, but you aren't allowed to publish any of those things, particularly if you have signed them.

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It is common to have to show ID when walking with a friend from another country. Common that buses are stopped in the middle of the street and bags inspected to see if we are carrying some cheese, a lobster, or some dangerous shrimp hidden among our personal belongings.

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My husband told him: " Teo, your uncle Adolfo is in jail because he's a very brave man," to which my son replied with his innocent logic: "Then you are free because you're a little bit cowardly."

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However, I fear for a nation that unconditionally rewards ideology rather than talent; where a student who participates in a political demonstration can be graded higher than one who masters his subjects; where educational institutions teach students that the way to succeed is to disse,ble.

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