Mission Of Honor (Honor Harrington)

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Baen Books 2010 Hardcover

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Geir Ove Klefsåsvolds eksemplar av Mission Of Honor (Honor Harrington)


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Forlag Baen Books

Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Hardcover

ISBN13 9781439133613

Språk Engelsk

Sider 800

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But as Andrew always says, "close" only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nukes, she reminded herself.

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In my opinion, Mike did exactly what she should've done under the circumstances, given an opposition force commander who obviously couldn't have poured piss out of a boot even if it did have instructions on the heel.

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In fact, I'm willing to bet his IQ is at least equal to his shoe size. Aside from that, his only recommendation for command is that he has a pulse.

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He's Battle Fleet, so you probably don't know him. Trust me, you're not missing much. He's smarter than Crandall was. In fact, I'm willing to bet his IQ is at least equal to his shoe size. Aside from that, his only recommendation for command is that he has a pulse.

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