Shut your eyes tight

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2012 Heftet

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Brit Honningsvågs eksemplar av Shut your eyes tight


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John Verdon returns with Shut Your Eyes Tight, the second book by in the David Gurney series.Once a cop. Always a cop . . .Ex-NYPD detective Dave Gurney is supposed to be retired. But people with problems keep knocking on his door. Like the police, for instance, who are baffled by a gruesome murder they just can't seem to solve.A young bride has been killed in the middle of her own wedding reception. The prime suspect - her new husband's Mexican gardener - is missing. As is the murder weapon - likely a machete - used to decapitate the bride.The police have drawn a blank. It's as if the killer has vanished into thin air. But when Gurney begins his investigations, he finds that a baffling murder is just the latest of many sadistic crimes committed by an individual who'll do anything to avoid capture.Following the success of Think of a Number, John Verdon's stunning follow-up novel, Shut Your Eyes Tight is just as scintillating. Fans of Tess Gerritsen and James Hayman will love this series. Praise for John Verdon:'The best thriller I've read in a long, long time' Tess Gerritsen'Wow! Totally absorbing, brilliantly written. The best book I've read this year' The SunJohn Verdon, a former Manhattan advertising executive, lives with his wife on a small hilltop in upstate New York. His first two Dave Gurney novels are Think of a Number and Shut Your Eyes Tight.


Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780141048710

EAN 9780141048710

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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