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The first Plantagenet king inherited a blood-soaked kingdom from the Normans and transformed it into an empire stretched at its peak from Scotland to Jerusalem. In this epic history, Dan Jones vividly resurrects this fierce and seductive royal dynasty and its mythic world. We meet the captivating Eleanor of Aquitaine, twice queen and the most famous woman in Christendom; her son, Richard the Lionheart, who fought Saladin in the Third Crusade; and King John, a tyrant who was forced to sign Magna Carta, which formed the basis of our own Bill of Rights. This is the era of chivalry, of Robin Hood and the Knights Templar, the Black Death, the founding of Parliament, the Black Prince, and the Hundred Year’s War. It will appeal as much to readers of Tudor history as to fans of Game of Thrones.

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John LarsenKirsten LundSynnøve H HoelGrete AastorpChristin SillibakkenMalinTheaG LReidun SvensliNikkaDaffy EnglundBerit RSigrid Blytt TøsdalRolf IngemundsenPiippokattaMarie HolterEvaHanne Kvernmo RyeJulie StensethEileen BørresenTove Obrestad WøienChristinaLinda RastenAnn Christinmay britt FagertveitLene AndresenHarald KAnniken LTanteMamieDemeterEllen E. MartolReidun Anette AugustinIngunn SBjørg L.Bjørg  FrøysaaRune U. FurbergIna Elisabeth Bøgh VigreDinaEster Smge