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Gramercy Books 2000 Innbundet

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Mettes eksemplar av Rome


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Gjennom tekst og bilder presenterer boka Romas fantastiske fortid og gir leseren en rundtur i dagens Roma. Har register.

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Musing on the eternal city in one of his poems, Lord Byron wrote that when Rome falls the world falls. Indeed, this incredible city's origins are so ancient that they have become mythical. Rome has had more influence over the course of history than any other city. The center of an enormous empire for centuries, it became the heart of the Catholic faith, a religion that currently has more followers around the world than any other.#11;Today, Rome is redolent of its past glories. Magnificent buildings, many - such as the Coliseum and the Castel Sant' Angelo - date back to the beginning of the millennium, making the city an enchanting mixture of history and modern Italian culture. It remains the country's capital and as such is as busy, noisy, and crowded now as when people flocked from all over the empire to witness Rome's splendor.#11;Lavishly illustrated with Roman scenes, its greatest works of architecture both old and new, and its most beautiful places, Rome takes a lively look at the city's fabulous past and gives a photographic tour of Rome as it is today. Highlighting all of the most famous tourist attractions - the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain, the Temple of Mithras - it also visits some unexpected Roman delights such as the market in Campo de' Fiori, the street cafés, and some of the stunning artwork that adorns every available interior space.#11;This book is a vivid glimpse of Rome, revealing the distinctive flavor of a city that has played such a vital role in history and which continues to delight visitors to this day.


Forlag Gramercy Books

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780517161760

EAN 9780517161760

Omtalt sted Roma

Språk Engelsk

Sider 128

Utgave 1

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