You will be able to draw faces by the end of this book

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Ilex 2018 Heftet

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Pick up a pencil and discover the joy of drawing the people you love.
This book is for anybody who wants to become confident in drawing faces - whether you are a complete novice or a more experienced artist. From basic facial structures to finer details, the book teaches you the fundamentals of portraiture, and also allows you space to practise on the page. Learn how to:

· Understand anatomy and form
· Use light and shade
· Sketch in profile and front on
· Draw details such as hair and wrinkles
· Capture likeness and expression

The book lays flat to allow you to draw comfortably and has an elastic band to keep your drawings safe. It is also small and compact enough to fit inside your bag and each exercise has an estimated competition time, so it doesn't matter where you are, you'll always be able to find time and inspiration to practice.


Forlag Ilex

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781781575260

EAN 9781781575260

Serie You will be able to draw

Språk Engelsk

Sider 160

Utgave 1

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