XML programming

av (forfatter), Rehman Sultan (forfatter) og Brad Leupen (forfatter).

Microsoft Press 2002 Innbundet

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Get detailed instructions and insights on how to take advantage of XML and Microsoft development tools in this comprehensive reference. Taking an architectural approach, it describes the XML functionality in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000. It also demonstrates step-by-step how to convert a traditional client/server application to an XML-based application. This book is a resource for anyone who wants to make maximum use of Visual Studio. NET, other XML-enabled Microsoft development tools, and the Microsoft .NET Framework to create extensible, end-to-end applications that work across multiple devices and platforms. On CD-ROM: A fully searchable electronic copy of the book and a sample source code for the examples presented in the book. With index.

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XML PROGRAMMING is the best place to find detailed instructions and insights on how to take advantage of XML and the Microsoft Visual Studio(r) development environment to create extensible, end-to-end applications. Taking an architectural approach, the authors of the book carefully describe the XML hooks to be found in the next generation of Visual Studio and the .NET platform, plus how XML works with other Microsoft products such as Microsoft SQL Server(tm) 2000 and Microsoft BizTalk(tm) Server 2000.


Forlag Microsoft Press

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780735611856

EAN 9780735611856

Serie Core reference

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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