Wish upon a star

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HarperCollins 2004 Heftet

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Life in the city isn't all about sex, shopping and Cosmopolitans. For Claire, a secretary from Staten Island who takes the ferry each morning into Manhattan, it's spent working 9 to 5 at a law firm, listening to her friend's disastrous love life and reading romantic novels, desperately wishing that her life could be as full of excitement as the heroines featured. The only highlight is catching an occasional glimpse of devastingly sexy law partner Michael. Until the day Michael offers her the chance of a trip to London - all expenses paid. When Claire sets foot on British soil she falls head over heels in love - with a country. From red double-deckers to afternoon tea, she's finally found her home. Friends, family and even Michael are abandoned as she rents a room and sets out to make a whole new life as an American in London. But she reckons without the obstructive efforts of a very strait laced Englishman.

Omtale fra forlaget

Life in the city isn't all about sex, shopping and Cosmopolitans. For Claire, a secretary from Staten Island who takes the ferry each morning into Manhattan, it's spent working 9 to 5 at a law firm, listening to her friend's disastrous love life and reading romantic novels, desperately wishing that her life could be as full of excitement as the heroines featured. The only highlight is catching an occasional glimpse of devastingly sexy law partner Michael. Until the day Michael offers her the chance of a trip to London - all expenses paid. When Claire sets foot on British soil she falls head over heels in love - with a country. From red double-deckers to afternoon tea, she's finally found her home. Friends, family and even Michael are abandoned as she rents a room and sets out to make a whole new life as an American in London. But she reckons without the obstructive efforts of a very strait laced Englishman.


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007133376

EAN 9780007133376

Genre Romantikk

Omtalt sted London

Språk Engelsk

Sider 488

Utgave 1

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