Windows 95 secrets gold

av (forfatter) og Davis Straub (forfatter).

IDG Books 1997 Pakker

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The books offer you guidance in using all the features of Windows 95, from installation, controlling its applications and how to make changes in the configuration of your hardware. Also provides new tools to facilitate communication. The four CDs includes hundreds of productivity tools, Internet applications and fun utilities, plus the electronic edition of the book. Level: Intermediate to Advanced. With index.

Omtale fra forlaget

The books offer you guidance in using all the features of Windows 95, from installation, controlling its applications and how to make changes in the configuration of your hardware. Also provides new tools to facilitate communication. The four CDs includes hundreds of productivity tools, Internet applications and fun utilities, plus the electronic edition of the book. Level: Intermediate to Advanced. With index.


Forlag IDG Books

Utgivelsesår 1997

Format Pakker

ISBN13 9780764530944

EAN 9780764530944

Serie Secrets

Språk Engelsk

Sider 1126

Utgave 4

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