Windows 95 communication and online secrets

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IDG Books 1996 Heftet

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This book leads the reader through the theory behind effective communication and examines the purpose and the power of hard-edged communications under Windows 95. It assumes that the reader have a base exposure to Windows 95, knows what a modem is and how it's used to communicate. Level: All skills levels. The CD-ROM contains Windows 95 communication and online software. With index.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book leads the reader through the theory behind effective communication and examines the purpose and the power of hard-edged communications under Windows 95. It assumes that the reader have a base exposure to Windows 95, knows what a modem is and how it's used to communicate. Level: All skills levels. The CD-ROM contains Windows 95 communication and online software. With index.


Forlag IDG Books

Utgivelsesår 1996

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781568848372

EAN 9781568848372

Serie Secrets

Språk Engelsk

Sider 669

Utgave 1

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