
HRH prince William of Wales

av (forfatter) og Tim Graham (illustratør).

Simon and Schuster 2003 Heftet

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As the boy prince turns into the man who would be king, interest in Prince William will be at unprecedented height in 2003, the year of his twenty-first birthday.. This pictorial celebration will feature hundreds of full colour photographs of William at work and play, dozens of which have never been published before. These photographs are accompanied by a unique insight into William's life by the author, the only journalist to interview the prince and be accredited to Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace.

Omtale fra forlaget

As the boy prince turns into the man who would be king, interest in Prince William will be at unprecedented height in 2003, the year of his twenty-first birthday.. This pictorial celebration will feature hundreds of full colour photographs of William at work and play, dozens of which have never been published before. These photographs are accompanied by a unique insight into William's life by the author, the only journalist to interview the prince and be accredited to Buckingham Palace and St. James's Palace.


Forlag Simon and Schuster

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743248570

EAN 9780743248570

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Omtalt person William

Språk Engelsk

Sider 223

Utgave 1

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