Where trees whisper secrets

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BoD - Books on Demand 2023 Heftet

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Step into a realm where leaves whisper secrets and the enigmatic forests of Norway are not only guardians of nature but also of ancient myths and legends. "Where Trees Whisper Secrets" is an entrancing tale where Norse mythology collides with the rich tapestry of Slavic stories.

Amelia, an eleven-year-old with a vibrant imagination and untamed curiosity, lives on the edge of a mystical forest. It's a place where nature unravels its mysteries, and each tree could tell an extraordinary tale. During one of her expeditions, Amelia encounters Leshe - a figure drawn from Slavic mythology, the guardian and keeper of the woods. This unusual ally unveils the secrets of nature, teaching her about the importance of maintaining balance in the forest.

"Where Trees Whisper Secrets" transports readers on a journey brimming with magic and remarkable adventures. It's a story about exploring the unknown corners of the world, seeking knowledge and wisdom, and also about courage and fighting for what truly matters. In this tale, our young protagonist, inspired by both Norse and Slavic mythology, learns about the mighty power residing in nature and within each one of us.

Join Amelia on this extraordinary adventure, where a mysterious Norwegian forest becomes a meeting place for different cultures and legends. Here, in the realm where trees whisper secrets, Amelia discovers that anyone can be a hero of their own incredible story. The book is intended for people of all ages! It offers not only a wonderful story but also a message for each of us.


Forlag BoD - Books on Demand

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788269338287

EAN 9788269338287

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Sider 197

Utgave 1

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