When everything changes, change everything

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2010 Heftet

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How are you handling change?Many changes are occurring now in the lives of all of us, but does 'change' have to equal 'crisis'? No. Not if you have the means with which you can change your experience of change-and that is what you are holding in your hand.This is more than a book about change. It's about how life itself works. It is about the very nature of change-why it happens, how to deal with it, and how to make it be 'for the better'. On these pages are Nine Changes That Can Change Everything.Is it possible that what you are about to read has come to you at the right and perfect time...?The author of the Conversations with God series presents a fresh and startling perspective on something that will never change: Change.

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How are you handling change? Many changes are occurring now in the lives of all of us, but does 'change' have to equal 'crisis'? No. Not if you have the means with which you can change your experience of change-and that is what you are holding in your hand. This is more than a book about change. It's about how life itself works. It is about the very nature of change-why it happens, how to deal with it, and how to make it be 'for the better'. On these pages are Nine Changes That Can Change Everything. Is it possible that what you are about to read has come to you at the right and perfect time...? The author of the Conversations with God series presents a fresh and startling perspective on something that will never change: Change.


Utgivelsesår 2010

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781444705508

EAN 9781444705508

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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