We live in water

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2014 Heftet

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From Jess Walter, the bestselling author of Beautiful Ruins, comes We Live in Water - a darkly funny, utterly compelling collection of stories about the American family. We Live in Water brings to vivid life a world of lost fathers and redemptive con men, of personal struggles and diminished dreams, a world marked by the wry wit and generosity of spirit that has made Jess Walter one of America's most talked-about writers. In 'Thief', a blue-collar worker turns unlikely detective to find out which of his kids is stealing from the family vacation fund. In 'We Live in Water', a lawyer returns to a corrupt North Idaho town to find the father who disappeared thirty years earlier. In 'Anything Helps', a homeless man has to 'go to cardboard' to raise enough money to buy his son the new Harry Potter book. In 'Virgo', a local newspaper editor tries to get back at his superstitious ex-girlfriend by screwing with her horoscope. The final story transforms slyly from a portrait of Walter's hometown into a moving contemplation of our times. 'A ridiculously talented writer' The New York Times 'One of my favourite young American writers' Nick Hornby 'Darkly funny, sneakily sad, these stories are very, very good' Publisher's Weekly 'A witty and sobering snapshot of recession-era America' Kirkus


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780241003855

EAN 9780241003855

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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