Vinyl Frontier

The Making Of The Red Hot Chili Peppers' 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik'

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Unanimous Ltd 2006 Paperback

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Forlag Unanimous Ltd

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9781903318799

Språk Engelsk

Sider 208

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I'd rather hear someone play the best they're capable of with the minimum amount of technique, than someone with a lot of technique who plays without feeling.

John Frusciante.

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A lot of the things that you hear once and you love may fade faster...sometimes it's the stuff that takes a little while to get around before you realize how good it is that really stays with you. Because that's the stuff that's different.

Rick Rubin about music.

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They can suck the juice out of my butthole, man - we're the granddaddy groove gooses, and we drink our smooth juices, and we're the slidenest, glidenest, movinest, groovinest, hippinest, hoppinest, rockinest, jamminest, slamminest...We're on a mission...We're on a mission to spread the cosmic love vibe and the rythm of life and rock soulfully. We're for real...


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