Vintage Rolex

the largest collection in the world

av (forfatter).

Pavilion 2020 Innbundet

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For more than a century, Rolex has stood apart as the most legendary brand of watch in the world. A Rolex conveys many things: a luxury timepiece, a tool of power for movers and shakers and the symbol of passage into adulthood. New labels pop up, styles come and go, but the brand at the top never changes. Ever the record setter-the Daytona that had belonged to Paul Newman was auctioned by Phillips in New York in October 2017 for $17.8 million- it comes as no surprise that Rolex is the most collected watch brand in the world.

The Vintage Watch Company is the only store of its kind in the world, with a devoted client base of devoted Rolex aficionados, from royalty to sporting legends to stars of the silver screen. Throughout, father and son, John and David Silver have been carefully cataloguing and amassing one of the largest pictorial records of vintage Rolex watches in the world. Published to celebrate the company's 25th anniversary in late 2020, the book contains a unique pictorial collection of vintage Rolex watches that have passed through the shop during the past 25 years.


Forlag Pavilion

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781911663126

EAN 9781911663126

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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